Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sheila Shelden

Sheila Shelden Dool

  • Marital Status: Married to Danny Dool for 21 years
  • Children: 3 (Sondra-19 years old, Megan-16 years old, and Dillon-11 years old)
  • Grandchildren: Sondra is expecting a baby in February, 2009. We will be grandparents for the 1st time!
  • Where I Live: Queen Creek, Arizona
  • Education:
  • Career: I work for Trane Air Conditioning. I am the Regional Coordinator for the entire west side of Arizona from Flagstaff to Yuma. It's a big territory to cover!
  • Travels: We haven't traveled as much as we would of liked. We've seen a lot of the west and midwest, but none of the east coast.
  • Interests:
  • Here's My Story:
    We moved to Arizona in March, 2008. Some of you know that I had Breast Cancer in October, 2004. I have been doing great with that, but last year I was diagnosed with a lung disease where my lungs fill with fluid, I can't breathe, and I can easily get lung infections. The weather in Arizona is dry and the winter is short so I don't have as many bad breathing days. It is hotter than you know what...it was 115 degrees on June 21st! It isn't really bothering us, though. It's very pretty and we like it. I have mountain views from the front and back of my house.
  • Lessons Learned Since High School:
  • Future Ambitions:
  • Do I Miss High School?
    You know there are many times when Danny and I are talking and we think of high school times. I do miss some of them. It doesn't seem like I am 40 years old, though. I sure don't feel like it. Even with my health issues I don't feel my age.

    There are so many times when Danny and I were young that we could not give our kids the things they wanted or needed, but that is not the issue now. If there was anything I would have done different, it would have been to pay closer attention to that and focus on our careers more. I can say that we are still young enough that we can travel and have a great time. We are also young enough to be the hip cool grandparents!!! lol
  • How Can You Contact Me?
    If anyone wants to contact us by email, my address is redsheila@yahoo.com

    We have a blog as well that anyone can check out if they want. It has family pictures and pictures of our new state. The blog site is

    Comments can be made under this post.

    I hope that everyone is doing good and are happy and healthy. Email anytime. :-)

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