Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Laurie Brink

Laurie Brink Lester

  • Marital Status: Married to Scott Lester for 19 years
  • Children: 3 (Top picture: Andrew Scott-10 years old; Center picture: Braden Matthew-3 years old; Bottom picture: Scotlyn Brianne-8 months old)
  • Grandchildren: 0 (Come on now, I had a baby in the last year!)
  • Where I Live: Republic, MO
  • Education: graduated from Redel Institute of Beauty in 1986 with a Cosmetology license, graduated from Southwest Missouri State University in 1991 with a degree in Elementary Education, graduate classes towards a Masters in Administration
  • Career: I am a 5th grade American History/Communication Arts Teacher. I serve as my school district's State Professional Development Reporter and the Elementary Career Ladder Chairperson.
  • Travels: Oklahoma, Nebraska, Illinois, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Iowa, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Kansas, Arizona, California, Arkansas, Tennessee, Indiana, Kentucky, and Mexico
  • Interests: Watching my kids, reading, writing poetry, blogging, walking, going to antique stores, working in my butterfly garden, listening to music from the 80's
  • Here's My Story:
    Right after high school I started cosmetology school only to discover the very first day it was one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I went 5 months, put cosmetology school on hold, moved to Springfield and started attending SMSU for spring semester, started back and finished cosmetology school from May-July, and went back to SMSU in August.

    I met my husband Scott at SMSU in 1987, we dated two years, and then married in 1989. Scott decided to join the army my last year of college. While he was in Basic Training and AIT, I finished college. His first assignment was at Fort Bliss, Texas. (El Paso, TX) I was fortunate to be hired on the spot by an El Paso Independent School District employee "scout" at SMSU's Teacher Job Fair in May, 1991. My first teaching experience was a 1st grade class of Hispanic children...they spoke Spanish and I taught in English! My parent teacher conferences required a translator!

    We moved back to Missouri in 1994. We lived in Brookfield, MO for a year and then moved back to the Springfield area. My 3 wonderful children keep us busy with school and extracurricular activities. I just finished my 17th year of teaching and still love it as much as I did when I started.
  • Lessons Learned Since High School:
    1. Value everything that life gives you...even what might be considered the tiniest of things...a sunset, a bird singing, a rainbow. You never know how long God has put you on this earth.
    2. Don't sweat the small stuff!
    3. No matter how bad you think you have it, somebody has it much worse than you do.
    4. People who constantly complain are unhappy people with no life. 5. Do whatever you can to help other people...we all need to pay it forward! (Watch the movie "Pay It Forward" to understand what I mean.)
    6. Enjoy your kids. God gives us these precious gifts and we need to enjoy everything they bring us...butterfly kisses, cheesy smiles, silly giggles, dirty handprints on the walls, mudpies, drawings with stick people, etc.
  • Future Ambitions: Retire from teaching in 13 years and then work for the Red Cross Disaster Relief, enjoy my kids and help them become successful, responsible, and happy adults, travel to all 50 states with my husband and kids.
  • Do I Miss High School?
    At times I miss the freedom of no adult responsibilities and I miss seeing my friends Beth and Alvina every day, but overall I really don't miss high school. I never felt like I fit in because I was the "Superintendent's daughter". I just wanted to be one of the crowd, but never was. My husband and 3 kids are the sunshine of my life and make me so happy. I don't feel like I'm 41 years old...my young kids help keep me active!!!
  • How Can You Contact Me?
    Comments can be made under this post or visit my family blog: http://sllester.blogspot.com/

    My email is

    I enjoy keeping in touch with old classmates and attending the reunions.

    I'd love to hear from everyone!

    Sunny skies to all!!!!! :)

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